
Please click on any of the following:

Websites: Useful websites about celebrity and celebrity and development.

Colleagues: Researchers working and writing on celebrity and development.

Academic Articles: A short list of some of the academic articles about celebrity which I have found useful.

Public Perceptions of Poverty: A collection of largely unpublished but very useful reports on UK perceptions of poverty that were produced during and following the Make Poverty History Campaign.

Analyses of British Television: Since 1990 the Independent Broadcasting Trust has been producing reports (generally biennial) analysing the international content and cosmopolitanism appearing on British television screens (from terrestrial channels).

Brendan Cox’s work on Development Campaigns. Brendan spoke to hundreds of figures, many of them senior, and analysed what made campaigns (of various effectiveness) effective. This includes specific mention and consideration of the work of celebrity and a very interesting analysis of how celebrity worked in issues like Make Poverty History.